Silver Lake Residence
SCI_Arc Design Studio / Spring 14'
Instructor : Jonah Rowen
After analyzing the Eshrick house by Louis Kahn, I recreated the house using lines and points which follow the significant geometrical features of the house; for example, a wall extrusion would be represented by the centerline of the extrusion. After creating these simplified diagrams, I mapped them on two adjacent surfaces taken from two primitive forms: a cone and a cylinder. Reinterpreting these diagrams as three-dimensional objects allowed the curving surfaces to drive volumetric distortions and recombinations of the spaces initially represented by the simple diagrams. (The study of the Eshrick house is presented on a separate page)
The Project
Starting with the nine square grid, one can understand each square as a distinct element of the grid. In my operations transforming the grid, I gave each square the freedom to change in different ways - shifting in shape, orientation, and position on the Z axis. Each square of the grid thus gained a new position in space. Surfaces were placed at the center of each square, then extruded along the normal vector. The nine resulting cubes were then combined into three long volumes along the columns of the grid by connecting their vertices. The final exterior form was created by shifting the column volumes until their interior volumes connected. The original position of each square thus drove the use of its volume within the overall resultant shape: intersections between the volumes formed circulation areas and interior volumes. Projecting the nine square grid once more through the project further defined the interior spaces, the apertures, as well as the pattern on the exterior shell.
The 2500 sf house is divided on four levels: living area, kitchen, and bedroom on the first floor; office on the second; living area on the third; and master bedroom on the fourth.
First Floor
Third Floor
Second Floor
Fourth Floor
Section A-A
Section B-B