Margaret Esherick House
SCI_Arc Part of a Design Studio / Fall 13'
Instructor : Jonah Rowen
Precedent study
In order to gain an understanding of the spatial structure of a house, our studio analyzed several different houses by different architects were analyzed as precedents for a Silver Lake residence. I chose Esherick house by Louis Kahn as a primary precedent for its interesting organization of interior spaces as well as the exterior shape of the building: the project is organized following a precise grid along which the facade and the interior spaces are subdivided; however, the grid axes were shifted sideways, resulting in movements in plan and new intersections between the spaces. In order to understand the creation of the finished project, plans and sections were redrawn and distilled into diagrams to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the different functions of the house and the generation of its interior spaces, apertures, and circulation.
Class Diagram
Public/Private Diagram
Movement Diagram
Aperture Projections Diagram